” I decided to make ‘When You Pirate the Game’ to exercise my creative abilities and production skills and to grow stronger as a content creator and a creative. I am constantly fascinated by the mundane, day to day, experiences people share, and adding a surreal twist can often times reveal the ludicrously of human nature and society. Of course, I also just like to make people laugh. Exploring a dark comedy was a project I just had to take on and I will continue to work in this genre for future projects. There is humor to be found inall experiences and I hope to continue making art that reflects how I feel about this whole life thing”

I am writing this blog post on my last day at JTWO, in a couple hours we will premiere our final projects to the team, and then I will head home from the studio for the last time. I will truly miss coming to work after this is over. The bosses asked me either if I was sad with it all being over, being me I played it cool. In all honestly though, I am sad. I will miss telling Koda to quit yapping, talking about movies at lunch, and of course learning as much as I did about this industry. I have grown a remarkable amount throughout this internship. My understanding of each department and the production process has completely evolved since before this experience. I endlessly thank everyone at JTWO who game me a shot. In the four months I have interned here, we have gone to professional commercial and documentary shoots, created a sea of content (including the academy award winning “My Fellow Intern”, and of course, directed our own short films.

After this is all said and done I am going to keep doing what I have started here, making content. I’ll continue exploring my voice and utilizing the skills and tools JTWO have provided me throughout this time. I have so many ideas that did not become my final project that I would love to see through that continue in the surreal genre I took a crack at with “When You Pirate The Game”. I have made connections with artists all over Philadelphia throught this internship as well, which I am forever grateful for.

To my fellow interns, thank you for collaborating with me on ideas, pushing me to be my best, and of course the laughs. Working with you guys has been a blast and I am so excited to see what you do in this crazy industry.

Overall, this internship has reaffirmed the path I have chosen for myself. I never wanted to wear suits to work everyday and talk about margins at the water cooler. I just wanted to be around creative people, doing exactly that, creating. This internship has shown me that is possible.

As Playboi Carti once said, “I ain’t feel like this in a long time”.

Best wishes to everyone at JTWO, I hope we work together again soon.


Oliver Hough aka Olliedawizard is a director and editor from Philadelphia. “When You Pirate the Game” is Oliver’s directorial debut. Oliver graduated from Temple University in 2023, studying media production. He has a wide array of credits, including mixing and mastering on multiple Bell Tower Record Label tracks, producing “The Cherry on Top” and now directing, writing, and editing, “When You Pirate the Game”.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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