JTWO bids farewell to Viveka Galindez

Final Thoughts

By Viveka Galindez

As my last day as an intern at JTWO , I believe one of the most important things that resonates to me is the ability of storytelling. Coming into this internship I believed I knew what storytelling was, but I actually had no clue. You can have beautiful footage, beautiful graphics, great cameras and gear. But if you don’t know who to tell that story, you have nothing.

Coming in I knew there was a lot for me to learn, such as specific terms for equipment, how to prepare for shoots and overall logistics on how the film industry works. I am leaving JTWO with new skills and knowledge , ready to take the next step in my career.

Viveka Galindez

I produced my first ever short film “Sweet Home Alabama” with the help of Chris , Jordan Saba and the rest of the JTWO team. It was an amazing experience, from start to finish. Here I really understood the importance of storytelling. This story was so important to me, and the way I told It would shape the entire film.

Going on shoots for JTWO also was a great experience to dive in to real client work and see the logistics of a shoot. It was awesome to see a product come to life, from start to finish.

I leave JTWO super proud of everything I have accomplished, and would recommend this program to filmmakers, non filmmakers or honestly anyone who wants to dive in the world of film. As a graphic designer myself, the program was understandable, challenging but doable. The team was always willing to help out and give me an extra hand.

Thank you JTWO for this amazing opportunity, I go back to DC with knew skills, new friendships and a great short film!

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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JTWO bids farewell to Saba Ahmed

What's Next?

By Saba Ahmed

As my spring semester was coming to an end, the stress of figuring out what to do with my summer was growing daily. Where do I want to intern, what kind of internship do I want, and many more questions were circling around my mind. One afternoon out on campus, I looked up “Philadelphia production companies” and landed on JTWO’s website. I found their contact email, send them a link to my reel, and got a reply to come in for an interview. From my first interview at JTWO I could tell this was a place where I was going to learn about myself as a creator.

Coming in with a set of tools that range throughout the process of filmmaking, I was excited to grow in these skills which included cinematography, editing, and sound. What I wasn’t expecting to grow in was the role of a writer/director. Seeing myself mainly as a cinematographer, it had been a long time since I created an original piece. By going through this process of creating my own film, I am excited to do it again.

One of the biggest lessons that I learned during my time at JTWO was how important the story is and making sure you are telling it authentically. This theme of “authenticity” has been a prominent one for me this summer and will continue to be for my work going forward. Before entering the internship, I was abroad in South Africa learning the stories of the places I visited and understanding how to tell my experience in the right way. Coming into JTWO, I learned to tell my short film’s story authentically, seeing my fellow interns tell theirs, and understand JTWOs approach as well.

Connecting with people and building relationships is one of the most important things for me as a creator. I am thankful for the new friendships I have made during my time here at JTWO and knowing in the future I can reach out to the people I’ve created bonds with here. As I prepare to start my junior year at Temple University under the cinematography track, I am excited to take the lessons of this summer, the rediscovered passion for writing/directing, and the drive to tell stories right, and have a great year.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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JTWO bids farewell to Chris Tocchet

Crazy Fast Summer

By Chris Tocchet

This was a crazy fast summer, the days seemed to just fly by. Working at JTWO kept me on my feet and working all the time. From running intern errands, to working on big time sets, there was always something to do and work on.

Filming the intern projects was the best part. Being able to see someone’s idea on paper and convey that with a camera is always something that gets me excited. Seeing the other intern’s faces after showing them takes is a very rewarding moment for me, I love to be able to surprise people with what I can come up with and how I make their vision into a reality.

One thing from my days at JTWO that were the most beneficial for me was how I was expected to work on many projects at the same time. Before JTWO, I would have one main project I was working on and maybe a paper for school on top of that. But over this summer I sometimes had three of four projects all going full throttle at the same time. I had to learn how to balance my abilities as well as how to make certain things a priority over others.

Taking criticism is something that I have always struggled with. At JTWO there is no time to really reflect on that kind of stuff, after one of the editors or producers looked at what I did, they immediately told me what to change (they were always right by the way). I did not have time to think about myself and how I was feeling about the criticism because I had to get back on the computer and fix it. This type of workflow was really good for me, since I got feedback right away I was able to forget about what I did wrong and take the project to the next level with what everyone was saying. This sort of thing I will take with me to college and future jobs and I think will help me stand out as a filmmaker.

The shoot days were always the quickest, even when you had to get up at 4am. On set, everyone is doing something, everyone has a job and knows exactly what they have to do. That is the biggest difference between sets at college and sets with JTWO. In addition the knowledge that everyone has on set is remarkable and being able to learn from everything they do is something that will stick with me for a long time.

Even though my time at JTWO is coming to an end, doesn’t mean that I will stop creating or making new things. I have a strengthened passion for film and I feel invigorated to pick up my camera and make new films.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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JTWO bids farewell to Jordan Brown

Lucky 46

By Jordan Brown

I knew I wasn’t going home for the summer. I knew that at 3am sitting in my dorm filling out my 46th internship application. I knew that if I stayed at home, I wouldn’t grow. I wanted to learn more about myself as a filmmaker and as a person. I had gotten rejected from 45 of the internships I applied to and I didn’t think I would get anywhere with the 46th, but I was wrong.

After consulting with my friends and family, creating a pros and cons list and relying a little too heavily on a coin toss, I decided to make the move to Philadelphia and take the internship at JTWO no matter the cost. Initially, I had nowhere to stay. I commuted (almost two hours with rush hour) and stayed in a hostel while searching for apartments for the summer. I was burning through money on gas and failing at making friends at the hostel. It turns out, people aren’t too keen on you after you accidentally walk in on them in the shower at 1am, but that’s another story. I talked with some people online and was able to secure an apartment in West Philly in a matter of hours of seriously inquiring.

I don’t want to tell you I was nervous at first, but I also don’t want to lie. I was standing in the middle of an apartment I just rented by myself, in a city where I didn’t know anybody, taking an internship that seemed promising but only I was able to judge because I hardly told anyone when I first got it. I realized that everything is what you make it, so I went all in.

Right off the bat, I became really good friends with all of the other interns. This helped me become more comfortable at work. As time progressed I got to know everyone and I found my comfort at JTWO as a whole. I learned the workflow of JTWO and how to work with them. They taught us their equipment and they treated us like coworkers instead of interns, but sometimes we still had to run errands or build office supplies. This internship kept me busy. I was able to work on two projects of my own, help each intern out with their projects and help JTWO out with some of their work as well. The experience was definitely worth it and I am so glad that I was able to do the internship at JTWO. I learned something new everyday and I made friends who I hope to stay in touch with after I move on from Philadelphia.

Overall, I’d say I had a pretty great summer. I met some incredible people outside of work, went on countless adventures and was able to make some memories that I’ll never forget. I indulged in cheesesteaks, discovered new music, went to my first pro-baseball game, connected with strangers on the subway, tried falafels, found a month’s rent in heads-up pennies and overall, created work that I can genuinely say that I am proud of.

I’m heading back to New York soon and summer will be over, but I’m going back with stories that’ll last me a lifetime and a new set of experiences that did the only thing I was hoping to do this summer; grow.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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JTWO's [INC]ubator Project Brings You "RED"


Project Breakdown:
My main interests as a filmmaker are cinematography so from the start, I knew that I wanted to create a visually focused piece. Throughout my two years at college I’ve found it easier to independently write, shoot, and edit projects. The main genre of film that as been easiest to pull this off in is mini-docs, so from the first day of brainstorming I knew I did not want to make a documentary. I wanted this experience to be very collaborative, allowing myself to focus mainly on directing. My biggest struggle was to write a narrative that would be logically achievable in the short time I had. Being inspired by previous interns blogs, I decided to brainstorm a story based on what I had available to me. The two main resources were my friend Kayla who would act and the location of her house (also my cool internship friends).

Music is one of my main sources of inspiration and I try my best to listen to new music as I brainstorm. The main song in this short was what I based the story off of. When listening to it, I felt many different emotions and themes but went with beauty because it made most sense to me. Now since the song can go in many different thematic directions, I wanted to take on the experimental genre for the film, so that when others watch the film they can interpret which emotions it sparks for them.

During my pitch to the JTwo crew they could definitely tell I had a solid foundation of what I wanted visually but had tips to make sure I drive the emotions. Around this time was when I started to focus on how I will be using lighting.Throughout the short the three main color tones are (1) Warm – when she is getting ready, (2) Cool/Moonlight – when she comes home, and (3) Red – to show her hidden emotions. 1 and 2 blend together in the final shot to show irony in the balance of these two sides of her emotions surrounding beauty.

On the day of the shoot, Chris did an amazing job taking my storyboard to reality, Vi used her creativity to set design the rooms along with handle wardrobe, and Jordan was a huge team player helping from lighting, slate, and anything else needed. I haven’t had this collaborative experience on a project I wrote and directed in a really long time and having such a great crew was amazing. Through editing this project and learning about the proper structure of sequences and organization, it was truly rewarding at the end comparing the first cut and how the timeline looked, compared to the last one and visually seeing the growth the project had even after filming took place.

Overall, the experience creating this project is one that has made me really inspired to create more narrative work. Even though the pre and post production took all the time it needed, the entire shoot was only one day. It makes me think, how many more amazing projects I am sitting on that can be accomplished with just one day of shooting, a few great crew members, and resources already available to me. All I can say is, I’m ready to find out.

Meet the Director

Saba Ahmed is an undergrad at Temple University studying film and media arts with a concentration in cinematography. Gaining an understanding of how visuals work through cinematography and editing, she hopes to tie it all back to telling real stories when directing her own work.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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Writer and Director – Saba Ahmed
Cinematographer – Chris Tocchet
Set Designer – Viveka Galindez
Editor – Saba Ahmed
Production Assistant – Jordan Brown
Actress: Kayla Gleason

JTWO's [INC]ubator Project Brings You "Sweet Home Alabama"


As I brainstormed ideas for my intern project I knew that I wanted to do something meaningful. I thought about doing a documentary on a non profit, or something along those lines. But I wanted to push myself and get creative, but also tell a meaningful story. I thought of this short film as an opportunity to show my skills, creativity, and absolute passion for film. This was going to be my first film I had ever made, and I wanted it to be the best project I had ever made.

As I thought about concepts I knew I wanted to do something that was current on the news, or a topic being talked about. After days of brainstorming I put together the script for “Sweet Home Alabama”. A short film about a young girl who gets pregnant by her rapist in a futuristic world were abortions are ilegal. I was TERRIFIED of pitching this story. I was afraid of getting a solid no from the team, and honestly I was ready for it.

I pitched the story, and I got the ok to move forward. I could feel a slight doubt in the room as to how I was going to accomplish all of this. But I was happy that the story got approved, now it was just a matter of making it happen.

The making of “Sweet Home Alabama”

As a designer, moodboards and color palettes are a must in everything that I do. One of the most important things for me in a film/design is to have strong visuals. Below is the mood board I created.

Most of the inspiration for my ideas came from music videos/ Tv shows and photography. Artists such as Sia, Lady Gaga, Macklemore where huge influences for this film. One of the Tv shows that inspired me the most was ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’.

Shooting day:

​What a day. What a day. Picked up Chris ( intern ) and drove over to the shooting location. Chris was shooting the video as I was directing. The weather was not in our favour as the sun came in and out and it was raining. I was worried because I had pitched beautiful sunset scenery that was impossible to shoot because of the weather. I was a little stressed but had to overcome any issues and continue shooting. My main character was also nervous as she had never really acted before in her life and I kinda forced her into doing this. I knew she had it in her to be a great actress, and she did amazing.( Big shoutout to Chris Tocchet for being one of the best cinematographers I know, he captured exactly what I had envisioned. Thanks Chris!)


As I went to edit I realized I had so much footage that I would not be able to use as the story was dragging. I needed to keep it short and simple. With help of JTWO ( Shout out to Maria, Omar, Justin and Steven!) I was able to finalize a great cut to show the team.


One of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my career as a creative is to shoot a rape scene. It was uncomfortable and disturbing. As a director I knew I needed to be very responsible and mindful on how I talked to the actors and the crew. How I talked about rape, specially when explaning to the characters the scene. This is when I realized how important it is to direct in film. I had to make an uncomfortable situation somehow comfortable for everyone in the room.

Shooting this film has forever changed me and I want to give JTwo a big THANK YOU for believing in me and helping me make this happen. I have pushed my creative limits and have made a short film I will always remember, especially because it was my first film ever.

Meet the Director

Viveka Galindez is graphic designer with a passion for film making.  She loves coming up with new ideas/concepts , creating mood boards and making a project come to life. She is hoping to continue her career in film as she knows how powerful and influential film can be.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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Director – Viveka Galindez
Assistant Director – Jordan Brown 
Cinematographer – Chris Tocchet
Sound – Steven Layton 

JTWO's [INC]ubator Project Brings You "Taking A Shot"


There is something incredible about being able to come together with people you barely know, and create four meaningful projects in the span of three weeks. Being able to leave my mark on these stories is something that will stay with me for a long time.

While these sets had their challenges, being able to work with three other filmmakers who were passionate about what they were doing made the process that much easier. I had the position of director of photography for all the projects created this summer, which meant I had the job to make everything look good. While I am very comfortable with a camera in my hands, directing, set design and interacting with the actors is not something I am great with. That is where the other interns really showed what they can do. Being able to have people on set contribute in such an impactful way, in ways I couldn’t, really helped to tell the story and move the shooting days forward efficiently.

There were many things I thought this bootcamp experience would bring, this included getting on sets with JTwo, which happened many times, shooting projects with the other interns, and finally learning how other creative professionals work with each other and how they produce content efficiently and creatively. This was one of the aspects of the bootcamp experience I think I gained the most from. Watching how DPs work with the directors and vice versa was amazing for me. Listening to them bounce ideas off each other and come up with solutions to problems was inspiring and fascinating. I would say that was the most important thing I learned from these few weeks. To be successful in this field, you have to be able to solve problems, and solving problems is not enough, you have to be able to find solutions fast.

I am extremely happy with how the projects turned out this summer. We were all able to make projects that not only showed our strengths and capabilities, but also how we could tell captivating and compelling stories.

The project I took on was not my original idea, this was because the nonprofit that I was supposed to make a documentary on had a hard time finding the time to film with me. So this meant with the remaining days I had left, I had to come up with a new idea, film and edit a whole project. The project I decided to work on was a documentary on my friend who dropped out of school to start his own production company. This process was a lot of fun for me because I had the opportunity to get really creative. My friend gave me more opportunities and freedoms that working with an actual client wouldn’t allow for, this meant I got to try new shots and new storytelling strategies that I hadn’t before.

Meet the Director

Chris Tocchet has been making short films and documentaries for four years now. Being able to tell a story through cinematography is challenging but very rewarding. He loves being able to make simple shots look beautiful and interesting. This is how Chris leaves his mark on every film he works on.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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Director – Chris Tocchet
Cinematographer – Chris Tocchet
Sound – Steven Layton 

JTWO's [INC]ubator Project brings you "Park Avenue"


I always wanted to tell stories that mattered, and I feel like I was able to do exactly that here. I pitched the idea of creating a short documentary about a prison reentry center, which essentially helps people adjust back into society after getting released from incarceration. It started off slow. The initial reentry program that I was going to base my film around conveniently bailed on me the day after the pitch. After running around Philly like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find another reentry program to focus on, I ran into The Center for Returning Citizens (TCRC). I was put in contact with a man named John Thompson who was a current employee at TCRC and had been incarcerated. I knew I wanted to include him talking about his life, wrapping up with reentry programs helping released prisoners.

After we established a date to meet up in person and film, I decided I wanted to take John to the neighborhood he grew up in. He told me it was going to be his fourth time back in his old neighborhood since being locked up for 37 years. Other interns, Chris and Viveka, joined me to help create the film. We began the day with an interview at his office. I chose not to record video the interview to avoid ever using any “talking head” footage (this was a questionable choice, but I’m glad I made the decision). I believed that it would take away from the story. After the interview, just shy of 50 minutes, we began to film him in his office, in Center City and finally in his old neighborhood in North Philadelphia.

As we filmed, I was able to talk to John 1-on-1 more about what it was like for him to grow up, serve time and now help people who are released from prison as well. We connected and I learned to appreciate his story and his personal growth. After we said our goodbyes, we gathered our last bit of broll of Philadelphia to move onto the next phase; editing.

My first cut of the film that I showed to JTWO was five minutes long. That didn’t go well. There was a cycle: I got feedback, I improvised my own edits, my improvisions didn’t work, got more feedback, made more improvisions, improvisions still didn’t work and repeat. Eventually I ended up at a 3 minute 22 second cut that myself and the company agreed on. I created 18 different sequences on premiere and spent the last week staying after and coming in on my day off until the cut was done. It’s just part of the grind.

In the end, I am happy with the outcome of my project. I was able to capture an important story of someone who was given a second chance and able to turn his life around. These are the stories that I want to tell, and I was glad I was able to do exactly that through this internship.

Overall, this has not been what I was expecting. The whole time we were all very handsfree and on our own to complete our projects (minus the times we showed cuts and got feedback on our films). Everything was in our control and I was happy about that because it allowed us to be the creators that we are. I already want to get going on the next.

What’s next for me is working with JTWO on their sets and learning more about their style of filmmaking. I was able to hop on one set already and it was a great experience. I loved to see how everyone interacted with each other and how even with a small crew, a high quality piece was created. After this summer ends, I’ll be able to go back to college confident with new experiences under my belt that only help me grow as a filmmaker.

Meet the Director

Jordan Brown is a filmmaker from Lebanon, Pennsylvania who is passionate about social justice. He creates narrative and documentary films that address issues across the spectrum. Jordan is currently studying film at Ithaca College and plans to write and direct his own films which he considers to be realistic fiction.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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Director – Jordan Brown
Cinematographer – Chris Tocchet
Sound – Steven Layton 
Story Supervisor – Omar Alqahtani
PA – Viveka Galindez

JTWO Welcomes Intern Saba Ahmed

The Next Steps

By Saba Ahmed

Everyone has their own individual path that leads them to realizing why they want to be apart of the creative industry. The reasoning behind my spark with filmmaking is as specific as it can get. My parents did not play a bunch of the traditional classic Hollywood movies that inspired me to make films; I grew up watching Bollywood films. I wasn’t given a camera at the age of 8 and made little short skits with my friends; I mainly took “photoshoot” pictures for my older sisters when they dressed up. My introduction to filmmaking was editing, but before I dive into that let me give you some background about me.

My family is made up of my parents, my one brother and my two sisters (I am the youngest). My dad moved to the USA around the same time I was born in Pakistan. When I was two, we all moved from Pakistan to the suburbs an hour outside of Philadelphia. The intention of my parents move was to build a better life for my siblings and I. For us to have standard careers and to become successful. Filmmaking was definitely not on their radar as what they saw in my future, but it’s something they have learned to accept.

Since my siblings are much older than me, they all got married when I was super young. In my culture, weddings last for multiple days and with these multiple days means lots of photos and videos. One of my sisters got married in August 2008 (when I was in 3rd grade) and shortly after this was when I was introduced to filmmaking through editing. I discovered a fun little software called Windows Movie Maker on my sisters computer and began to import in all the photos and videos from the wedding and add music to make sort of a “visual scrapbook”. As simple as it was, this visual scrapbook began my learning of telling stories. Instead of just photos over some music I would take specific love songs and tell the story of my sister’s wedding by matching the lyrics of the songs to corresponding visuals. This was where I learned many simple yet fundamental techniques that I still use to this day.

Fast forward a couple years, middle school was when I was first introduced to Adobe Premiere and high school was when everything kicked into gear. I got involved immediately with the film classes that were offered my freshman year and the following three years I was apart of RedAlert a 20 minute live show production that aired every Friday. I took on the role of a crew member my sophomore year and producer my junior and senior year. This show taught me how to seriously edit, to write and bring a package together, to pitch an idea, along with more specific live TV roles such as using a switcher, directing for live TV, and even anchoring live (my least favorite yet still beneficial to my learning). I was fortunate enough to know what I loved from a very young age which helped guide where to go for college and what to be involved in.

For me, community has been a very big part of my filmmaking career at Temple University. I was fortunate enough to help found and be the founding President of DKA a Professional Cinematic Society this past year and watch our community go from 14 members to 42 in just one year. With many of these members, I was able to make my debut as Director of Photography and work on a short film called “Stuck in a Hard Place” which is now in post-production. Lastly, I have gotten pretty involved on campus by creating content for many organizations. This has built a great foundation of networking skills for me. Below is a t-shirt promo I shot and edited for a campaign on campus.

These past two years I have really focused on the kind of storyteller that I want to be. What I am starting to realize is my roots (yes the silly wedding video edits) have shaped what is important to me when it comes to filmmaking: telling real stories. Learning about places, people, certain ideas, whatever it may be, and telling this story authentically. I am dedicated to understanding the best way to tell stories that may not be my own but need to be shared.

I was immediately inspired by JTWO and their commitment to telling stories authentically. Their impact on their community through capturing stories of people, places, companies, etc got me really excited to apply to be an intern here. Now that I am here, I am eager to learn more about my specific passion which is cinematography however still grow in all of its surrounding parts because each is fundamental to telling a story.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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JTWO Welcomes Intern Viveka Galindez

New Chapter In My Life: Video Production

By Viveka Galindez

Growing up I always had a fascination for photography. I was 14 when I got my first camera. It was a Nikon to be exact, and it had what I used to call “a fancy lens”. I was born in the United States but moved to Argentina at a young age. I grew up in Buenos Aires, a romantic but chaotic city with a strong passion for soccer. Yes, we love Messi. We also love good wine and steak. 

Before Instagram was even a concept my friends would ask me to take their Facebook profile pictures and we would organize shoots. Mind you, we were all between 14 and 15 years old. I would scout locations in the city or build a “studio” in my house with different light bulbs and backgrounds. I like to think that was the official start of my career. Everyone in school knew me for my photography skills, and later on for my short films. I carried my camera everywhere, even to house parties and the most random places. I didn’t want to miss a perfect shot. It was fascinating to me to have the ability to capture moments constantly. I wanted others to see the beauty in things that I saw through my eyes.

I moved to Washington DC for college and was undeclared for 2 years. I didn’t really know what to do with my life career wise, I was lost and confused. I knew deep inside I wanted to go to film school, but because of fear to fail in the film industry I went into Graphic Design. Then, I went on to a full time position as a designer at an agency. Every night I would go to bed thinking to myself “Do I want to be 40 and regret never having taken a chance in video production?” Thats when it hit me and started to look at video production opportunities. I got an interview at JTwo Films and was extremely nervous as I had no background in video, It had always just been a hobby. A few days later I heard back from the team, I had been accepted in the internship program. This mix of adrenaline, anxiety, happiness rushed through my body. It was such a positive and exciting feeling, because I knew deep down this was life giving me a chance to do what I really wanted to do. I packed my things, moved from DC to Philly in a matter of days. Crazy right? Today as I write this post I am sitting in JTwo Films taking a chance in my career and doing what I should have done years ago. Can’t wait to learn from the team and do amazing work!

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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